Jimmy Bogard has written a couple of posts here and here discussing the registering partially closed generic types with StructureMap. These posts helped me solve a problem I was having which is a little bit different. To set the stage let me explain what we're doing. First we have a generic repository interface:

public interface IRepository : IQueryable where TEntity : class
    TEntity Get(Guid id);
    void Save(TEntity entity);
    void Delete(TEntity entity);
    void DeleteSingle(IQueryable query);
    void DeleteMany(IQueryable query);

Then we will have an interface for a specific repository that inherits from the generic repository interface and includes convenience methods:

public interface IAccountRepository : IRepository<Account>
    void DeleteInactiveAccountsOlderThanTwoYears();
    void CreateAccountBasedOnExistingAccount(Account account);
    // Etc, etc, etc

Then we have the concrete class that implements the repository specific interface (The NHibernateRepositoryBase class implements the members defined by IRepository not show below):

public class AccountRepository : NHibernateRepositoryBase<Account>, IAccountRepository
    public void DeleteInactiveAccountsOlderThanTwoYears() {...};
    public void CreateAccountBasedOnExistingAccount(Account account) {...};
    // Etc, etc, etc    

So what I wanted is to scan our persistence assembly for any concrete types (IE: AccountRepository) that implement an interface (IE: IAccountRepository) that derives from a closed generic interface (IE: IRepository) that is of a particular open generic interface type (IE: IRepository<>). Clear as mud?? :) Simply put, I want to scan for IRepository<> and want to map IAccountRepository to AccountRepository. This is cake with StructureMap using a registration convention. BTW, I'm using StructureMap 2.5.4 and from what I understand you may need this version to do what I'm doing here.

I lifted the GenericConnectionScanner class (Which is what the ConnectImplementationsToTypesClosing convenience method uses) from the StructureMap code as my starting point and modified the logic:

public class DerivedOpenGenericInterfaceConnectionScanner : IRegistrationConvention
    private readonly Type _openType;

    public DerivedOpenGenericInterfaceConnectionScanner(Type openType)
        _openType = openType;
        if (!_openType.IsInterface || !_openType.IsOpenGeneric())
            throw new ApplicationException(
                "This scanning convention can only be used with open generic interface types");

    public void Process(Type type, StructureMap.Configuration.DSL.Registry registry)
        if (!type.IsConcrete()) return;
        var derivedTypes = type.GetInterfaces().
                            Where(i => i.GetInterfaces().
                                    Any(i2 => i2.IsGenericType && 
                                              i2.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == _openType));
        if (derivedTypes.Count() > 0) registry.For(derivedTypes.First()).Add(type);

The constructor takes the open generic interface type. The Process method is called for each type; we only want concrete types. We check the type for interfaces that derive from an interface that has a type definition of our open generic interface type. If one exists we map the derived interface type to the concrete type.

    x => x.Scan(
        config => {
             config.With(new DerivedOpenGenericInterfaceConnectionScanner(typeof(IRepository<>)));

var accountRepo = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IAccountRepository>();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(accountRepo != null && accountRepo is AccountRepository);

The above initialization scans the assembly containing our open generic interface type and specifies our registration convention using the With() method. That's all there is to it!