I've had problems remembering what is actually happening when working with constructor functions and prototyping. I created the following table to demonstrate what's going on. If I'm missing something please let me know as I'm not a JavaScript ninja by any means.

A couple of things to note:

var x = function() {}
x = {
    // Only meaningful for constructors not functions.
    prototype: { 
        constructor: x,
        __proto__: Object.prototype
    __proto__: Function.prototype
var Y = function(name) {
    // In a constructor 'this' refers to the
    // new object.
    this.name = name;

Y.prototype.printName = function() {
    // In a method, 'this' refers to the 
    // declaring object (Unless overridden).

var y = new Y('Fritz London'); 
Y = {
    // This will be set as the new objects prototype.
    prototype: { 
        constructor: Y,
        __proto__: Object.prototype,
        printName: function() {
    __proto__: Function.prototype

y = {
    __proto__: Y.prototype,
    name: 'Fritz London'
var z = { name: 'Richard Feynman' }
z = {
    __proto__: Object.prototype,
    name: 'Richard Feynman'
var a = { name: 'Werner Heisenberg' }

var createObject = function(prototype) {
    var F = function() {};
    F.prototype = prototype;
    return new F();

var b = createObject(a);
// Or the built in
var b = Object.create(a);
a = {
    __proto__: Object.prototype,
    name: 'Werner Heisenberg'

F = {
    prototype: a,
    __proto__: Function.prototype

b = {
    __proto__: a
class Parent
    constructor: ->
        @id = ++Parent.identity
    name: 'Niels Bohr'
    @identity: 0
function Parent() {
    this.id = ++Parent.identity;
Parent.prototype.name = 'Niels Bohr';
Parent.identity = 0;

  - /blog/2011/12/javascript-prototyping-reference.html

Parent = {
    prototype: { 
        constructor: Parent,
        __proto__: Object.prototype,
        name: 'Niels Bohr'
    __proto__: Function.prototype,
    identity: 0
parent = new Parent()
parent = {
    __proto__: Parent.prototype,
    id: 1
class Child extends Parent
    url: 'http://www.google.com'
__extends(Child, Parent);
function Child() {
    Child.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
Child.prototype.url = 'http://www.google.com';

  - /blog/2011/12/javascript-prototyping-reference.html

Child = {
    prototype: { 
        constructor: Child,
        __proto__: Parent,
        url: 'http://www.google.com'
    __proto__: Function.prototype,
    // CoffeeScript generated property
    __super__: Parent.prototype
child = new Child()
child = {
    __proto__: Child.prototype,
    id: 1
// [backbone.js].extend(protoProps, classProps)
var Person = Backbone.Model.extend({
    constructor: function() {
        this.id = ++Person.identity;
    name: 'Niels Bohr'
}, {
    identity: 0
Person = {
    prototype: {
        // If a constructor property is not 
        // specified, a new function is used  
        // that calls the parent constructor
        // in the context of the new object.
        constructor: protoProps.constructor,
        __proto__: Backbone.Model.prototype,
        name: 'Niels Bohr'
    __proto__: Function.prototype,
    // Backbone added property
    __super__: Backbone.Model.prototype
    // Backbone attaches this to new objects
    extend: Backbone.Model.extend,
    identity: 0
var person = { id: 5 }
var a = { name: 'Werner Heisenberg' }
var b = { occupation: 'Physicist' }
_.extend(person, a, b);
person = {
    id: 5,
    name: 'Werner Heisenberg',
    occupation: 'Physicist'